30% of individuals in the U.S. suffer from some sort of chronic pain. Chronic pain is defined when pain continues beyond the regular allotted time for healing, usually for more than 3 months.

With chronic pain interfering with daily lives, for many people it can be a slippery slope to depression. People with chronic pain often end up de-conditioned, filled with negative thoughts, and self-doubt to restart life again.

Ketamine infusions are a highly effective way to treat chronic pain. Ketamine has been around since the 1960s; but there is a negative stigma associated with ketamine and its use as a “party drug.” However, contrary to popular belief, ketamine is not physically addictive. In fact, it is a highly effective pain management option for both acute and chronic pain, and an excellent, non-narcotic alternative to opiate-based pain medications. Some chronic pain patients report a reduction in pain symptoms for up to six months post-infusion. Furthermore, the World Health Organization lists ketamine as an essential medicine, primarily for its analgesic qualities.

One of the biggest draws for using ketamine as a painkiller—especially in emergency situations—is that it significantly reduces the need to administer and prescribe opiate painkillers. In a world where opiate abuse and addiction is infiltrating families in every corner of the country, it is absolutely necessary to find effective non-narcotic options.

There are several other holistic ways to support chronic pain management. These six holistic pain management techniques can be used independently, or to enhance the positive results of ketamine infusions.

1. Set SMART Goals. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. For example, instead of “I will exercise more,” a SMART goal would be, “I will go to the gym twice a week.”

2. Exercise. Movement, like daily walks, is a great form of exercise. Low-impact exercise can help put less pressure on the joints and maintain muscle strength.

3. Relax. People with chronic pain are often in a “flight or fight” response, so engaging in an activity like meditation is a great tool to help with relaxation.

4. Have fun. Go out and find something you enjoy doing. Staying home due to chronic pain often leads to isolation and decrease your quality of life.

5. Challenge your thoughts. People with chronic pain often have catastrophic thoughts, which leads to more pain. Try to challenge yourself in your beliefs- ask yourself, “Is that true or false, or do I just feel that way?”

6. Sleep. Sleep recharges your body and can alleviate pain if you get enough quality sleep. Make sure you get good quality sleep by creating a good nighttime routine. This could mean removing electronics and other distractions, while avoiding alcohol or caffeine.

With chronic pain affecting 50 million adults in the U.S., ketamine infusions have become a powerful tool to help alleviate those in need. Ketamine can breathe new life into those who feel like all hope is lost.

Contact RestoratIV Wellness

Contact our ketamine clinic, servicing patients in southern New Jersey and the greater Philadelphia area, to schedule your free consultation today. We’ll help determine whether ketamine infusions are a viable solution for your pain management needs, and answer any questions you may have about this highly-effective treatment for chronic pain.

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