There are few conditions that modern medicine cannot cure. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is one of those incurables. This painful condition develops as a result of a damaged peripheral and central nervous system after an injury. It can also develop after other...
If you have just decided to use ketamine to overcome your treatment-resistant depression, PTSD, bipolar disorder, severe anxiety, or chronic pain, you have just made a big step forward in your recovery. Before you receive your first infusion, keep the following things...
One in 10 American adults will struggle with depression at some point during their lives. Depression is the most prevalent mental health disorder, and one of the country’s leading causes of disability. Common treatments include talk therapy, antidepressant medications...
A migraine is a reoccurring, debilitating headache that can lead to nausea, vomiting, chronic pain, light sensitivity and can even change your ability to perform daily tasks. This neurological disease is the 3rd most prevalent illness in the United States, with over...
Did you know that depression is one of the leading causes of disability in the U.S. today? It affects nearly 16.1 million adults each year, and it is non-discriminatory—anyone could be a candidate for developing depression. One of the biggest issues with depression is...
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